Dragon's Egg Pendant
Workshop Information

Protect an exquisite Dragon's Egg with CRAW! The Dragon's Egg Pendant surrounds a treasured paper mache teardrop bead with several coils of intricate beadwork. The finished pendant measures 3 1/2 inches (7.6 cm) long, and includes a colorful collection of sparkly crystals, shiny crystal pearls, textured glass drops, and Japanese seed beads.
In this class you'll learn how to grow and shape lengths of coiled prismatic right-angle weave (cPRAW) so that they surround a central focal bead. The coils use a variation on coiled cubic right-angle weave (cCRAW), and are specifically constructed to coil together at the bottom of the teardrop. Additional drop beads and a custom bail finish the pendant, which is accompanied by a unique prismatic right-angle weave (PRAW) beaded rope.
Prerequisites: Students should be proficient in RAW and peyote stitch. Knowledge of tCRAW and cCRAW are helpful, but not required.
Skill level: Advanced